
Setting the Controls…

When I was a child, I used to rehearse which would be worse: going blind or going deaf. As an avid reader from a very young age, I always knew that going blind would be worse. This assessment lasted into my 20s and 30s as I began directing theatre. Now, as I languish solidly in my late 40s, I have changed my mind and, while I certainly don’t want to lose either my sight or my hearing, I would much rather keep my hearing in order to keep music in my life.

Music has served as both shield and refuge and has become the one thing that, no matter what, can break through the darkness of disappointment or sadness or loss or fear or anxiety. In those moment when I struggle to connect to anything else in my life, I never stop being curious about finding new music or stop wanting to experience my favorites.

The title for this site comes from the lyrics for Pink Floyd’s “Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun,” and was chosen because of the band’s importance and lasting impact on my musical life. The title also references what I hope this blog will provide: a way to break out of the darkness of a disappointing and desultory time in my life. My passion for sharing musical discoveries with people will, I hope, provide the impetus to reconnect with my desire to write.

Fair warning: I have eclectic tastes. I am just as likely to write about minimalist, ambient soundscapes as I am about the new Metallica album (which was surprisingly good by the way.) I have no shame in my love of prog-rock and am open to engaging with nearly any genre even if I am not the biggest fan of the style—though I’ll be honest and note that I am unlikely to spend much time on pop music. I may also use specific albums or songs as launching points for discussions about politics or my own struggles in life. I am not going to commit to a regular publishing schedule just yet, though I do expect to regularly publish some of my initial reactions to any new releases that catch my attention on Fridays.

I hope that this project will expose you to songs, albums, and artists that you are unfamiliar with or give you a slightly different perspective on music you already know. Thanks for joining me here and I’ll leave you with the live version of “Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun” from Ummagumma: